CTF Golf Day 2022
August 4, 2022
Sandy Burr Country Club
Wayland, MA

On August 4, 2022, Richard, Tristam & Oliver hosted a golf day in aid of The Cameron Tredgett Foundation at Sandy Burr Golf Club in Wayland, Massachusetts.
We are very grateful to the twenty-one teams who turned up on one of the hottest days of the year to celebrate Cam and raise money for the foundation.
Despite the heat we had a glorious day due to our amazing volunteers who helped the event run smoothly. Our crew kept the players hydrated with water, stuffed with treats from Cam’s Cookie Cart and pizza and beer for the Surprise Raffle winners.
Thank you to friends, family and local business who sponsored holes and donated items to our auction and raffle. Cam would be so proud with the $8,000 we raised and that we are working hard to make a difference in the lives of young people who are passionate about sports.
You are deeply loved,
The Tredgett Family